Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hard work pays off!

Yes, it has been another busy week here at the Murdock house. Between Violin, Piano, Cello, Scouts, TaVaci (singing group), Karate, Activity Days, Homework, Young Mens, Primary, Work, trying to cook and clean, and my new foot zoning adventure, we seem to fill all the time each day. Some days I wonder why? Why do we get involved in so much? Why do teachers send home so much homework, and why does Tyler drag it out so it takes 3 times as long? Why does Mark come home an hour late each day? Why does Kaden try to sneak down and watch T.V. before he has practiced the cello? Why do I make my kids help with the chores when it would be much easier for me to do it myself. Why does Madison complain that she is bored and can't figure out what to do with all her extra time? Why can Jacob never find his scout book when it is time to go to scouts and for me WHY is there not more time each day? And then I have those moments, where it is all worth it and all the craziness doesn't seem so bad. Yesterday, even though it was another busy day, it was one of those moments when it seemed all worth it. Madison had a violin graduation and Kaden had his cello Twinkles graduation. It was so great to see and hear them do so well and both seemed to enjoy it. Moments like that make all the hard work worth it!


Chris and Heather said...

I feel so luck to be the aunt to such talented niece and nephews. Thanks for being such good examples to us.

nita said...

Whew!! What a schedule. What great pictures of Madison and Kaden. Tell them congratulations. Sometimes we do wonder if all the hard work is worth it---it is. When they are grown and gone, you'll be glad for all the time you gave them. We love you so much Chere miss all of you and the family. Thanks, again for all you do for us here in Mexico. May the Lord bless you for all you do.
Mom Murdock

Monica said...

They are very wonderful kids Cheree! Keep up the good work!

Tiffani said...

wow, I think I'd go insane with my kids in that many things- glad you're supper woman. Its fun to see them get better at things, it would be fun if you put a video of each of them playing their instrument for us all to hear :)