Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Past and Present!

Christmas 2008!!!
This is the first year we have had a fake tree. It was so much easier and way less messy to set up, but I miss the smell of a fresh tree! Yes, the Scentsy Christmas tree scent helps but its just not the same! We do love how tall it is and that it will pay off financially for us in the future.
This year for our Christmas Card we took a picture of the kids playing their instruments. I thought it turned out really cute! We used individual pictures, but this was a fun one too!



1 comment:

nita said...

Your tree really is beautiful and so is your family. Besides that they are so talented and sweet. We are grateful we get to spend Christmas Eve with you and your family. Thanks for your kindness to us all the time too.
Mom (Nita)