Monday, December 8, 2008

Thanksgiving Day Highlights 2008!!!

Thanksgiving this year was probably one of the most relaxing days of our whole past year. It was really nice!!! We went to my parents in Farmington for the day. We of coarse ate lots of good food and played many fun games. It was a smaller group this year, my Dad, Mom, Greg, Melanie, Justin and then the six of us. My plan was to take a picture of us all at the table, but of coarse I didn't remember!!! By the time I did remember, it was only Kaden eating. I think this was his third attempt so he could have some pie!

Forget the pie, we just like the cool whip!!!

Yes, we were on a sugar high the rest of the day!!!

"Ticket to Ride" This is one of my favorite games!!!
Greg, Justin and Mom

This made it real fun! I think this was my prize for winning!?!

Dad and Melanie

Creative Snowflake by Tyler

Battle ship!!!


Adrienne said...

How fun. I love relaxing holidays!

Chris and Heather said...

We missed not being there for Thanksgiving but It looks like you guys had a fun time. I can't believe that you guys had fun with out me. I love your Thanksgiving posting so cute.

nita said...

Wow, Tyler's snowflake was stupendous!! Glad you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving. If we don't catch up with you before see you at Madison's school on Friday.

Tiffani said...

Nice prize!