Sunday, May 24, 2009

End of the school year FUN!!!

May is definitely a month of recitals, soccer and field trips. It usually is a lot of fun but also keeps us very busy. I thought I would take a minute and post a few of the things that have kept us hopping this month.
The TaVaci Concert... This is a singing group that Madison, Jacob and Kaden are all in. They have a lot fun performing and they are very fun to watch and listen to. Jacob is especially fun to watch, he is a real ham! This time he was asked to be in a Oscar the Grouch specialty. The pictures are not the best, but hopefully you get the idea!

A few of the fun things we did this past week...

Jacob's 2nd grade field trip to Dinosaur Park in Ogden
Jacob and a few of his friends.

Kaden was excited he got to go on the field trip also.
This is Kaden and one of his friends, Grant.
Kaden's Cello Recital...
He played "Lightly Row" and "Song of the Wind". Kaden was nominated by his teacher to go perform in Salt Lake at a Honors recital. He did a super job at both!!!

Jacob's piano recital...
He played "Copy Cat Cowboy". The best part of his performance was his "costume" and his cowboy accent when he announced his piece. At the end he bowed, waved his hat and said, "Thank ya Thank ya very much." It was so hilarious, he had the whole place in laughter. What a fun boy!!!

Only a few more recitals, field trips, and soccer games to go!


Monica said...

Wow Cheree, when you say your life is crazy, you mean it! Your kids are so CUTE!

Chris and Heather said...

I love to watch her children perform. I sure was fun to go to the TaVaci concert and I wish I could have been there for Jacob's and Kaden's concerts. They both are pretty funny.

Jaclyn B. said...

Cheree it's so good to catch up with you! Your kids look so Forbush. The Farmington crew is trying to get together this summer sometime so I'll let you know if it happens.

nita said...

Oh, Cheree and Mark. We MISS your children and all their activities sooooooo much. Thanks for the pictures and all the memories.Kaden looks like he really knows what he is doing on that cello.
Dad and Mom