Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's official, we have a TEENAGER!!!

Tyler turned 13 on April 28th, yes I am a little slow on posting. It seems like only yesterday that he was born. Boy...time goes by so fast. I am very pleased with what a fine young man he is growing up to be! He is a great brother, son and friend. I love that he seems to want me around and isn't yet embarrassed by me. He is a great big brother and can really get Jacob and Kaden into having a good time with him. Tyler is a great example to us by reading his scriptures every day. It is very important to him and I think that is awesome! A few of Tylers hobbies and talents are: SOCCER, Reading (anything he can get his hands on), Playing the piano, hanging out with his friends, baking treats (this is a new one), and EATING (I am just trying to figure out where it goes to in his trim, tall body.)
Tyler needed and wanted a new suit for his birthday. Doesn't he look sharp!!!

I love this picture, he just got his hair cut!
Opening his presents!!!

Cake time!!!

Tyler wanted a poppy seed cake for his birthday, he is a kid after my own heart.
TYLER, we love you so much and love that you are a part of our family.
Your teenage years will be great!!!


nita said...

Wow!! Tyler looks great in his new suit. It makes me emotional to think we are missing out, but it'll be fun to catch up when we return from our mission.
Grandpa and Grandma Murdock

Chris and Heather said...

I also remember the day Tyler was born. What a great day that was to be able to be an aunt for the first time. Thanks for being such a great kid Tyler. I admire and look up to you for reading your scriptures every day.

Monica said...

What a good kid! Keep it up Ty!

Tiffani said...

nice suit! I can't believe you guys have a teenager! Crazy. Happy belated birthday Tyler.