Sunday, July 13, 2008

4th of July Weekend!

We had a great time at the Youngberg Ranch in Wyoming over the 4th of July weekend. As you can see we did alot of different things, some we were good at and others, well let's just say... we had fun!!!

This is at Spirit Lake where we had a picnic. The mosquitos were so thick we ended up just eating in the car. It was a bummer because it was amazing there... so BEAUTIFUL!
These mosquitos are so annoying, just hurry and take the picture!

Making S'mores!
After a grease fire, Mark decided he doesn't like sausage that much anymore. His hand and arm are still recovering from the burns.

We sure loved those S'mores! You would think my kids are sugar deprived or something, they didn't want to stop eating them!

I can almost reach that marshmellow with my tongue!
We went fishing at Longs Park Reservoir and had a great time! The kids all caught fish, thanks to the Youngbergs or "Youngbirds" as Kaden called them and to Mark who are all great fishermen. Madison and Tyler both caught 2 fish, Jacob caught 1 and Kaden helped reel in a few. I spent most my time untangling fishing poles, I guess it is a new talent!

Another fun thing we got to do was shot 22's. The kids enjoyed this, and probably would have continued for much longer if the rain and a thunder and lightning storm wouldn't have started.

Scott, Toni, Mark and I shot clay pigeons with shot guns. Mark, Scott, and Toni are all experts but my first time was the weekend before at the Brooks Reunion where I shot 0 out of 5. I was going to pass on this little adventure, but decided to try again. Well, it paid off because I shot 5 for 5 and amazed the crowd. (Mark, the Youngbergs, and the kids) I really wished my big brothers were there, they would have been so proud!!! I guess it is possible to teach an old dog new tricks, but then again I think it is very probable it was just beginners luck!

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