Thursday, July 31, 2008

FHE at Willard Bay

For Family Home Evening a few weeks ago we were invited by the Hancey's (a family in our neighborhood and Bro. Hancey works in the Stake Young Men's with Mark) invited us to go boating with them at Willard Bay. We were excited because we went last year with them and had a super great time. Tyler was at scout camp so he missed out, but he had a great time at Bear Lake.(Camp Hunt)
Here is Mark up on the Wake Board, doesn't he look great! I think he looks hot!!!

Okay, so I got up too, I just don't look as good! I don't think my legs could be any whiter. I have a great farmers tan from working in my garden!!!

The kids had a great time on this hot dog... well at least until it tipped over and then Kaden wasn't so sure. Madison and Jacob wanted to do it again!
I think they look so cute!

Madison and Mark both are fish, they absoutly love water. Madison likes going with her Dad because it's more her speed. She is a dare devil! I'm really glad she takes after Mark with her love of water.

This is our cute little water logged family, minus Tyler of course. We were headed back to shore after a very fun, great night. Thanks Hancey's it was one of the highlights of our summer!
I couldn't resist taking a picture of this incredible sunset. WOW! And some people question that there is a God?

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