Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tyler's first Scout Camp

Tyler and his troop went to Camp Hunt. They were gone from Monday morning until Saturday. I thought it was very long, but Mark reminded me that two years would be much longer. Tyler had a great time. I am trying to figure out if that is mostly because his mother wasn't there to tell him to take a shower, wash his glasses, or to pick up his dirty clothes. Mark went Thursday- Saturday and made Tyler shower for the first time on Friday. I know this is only natural for a 12 year old boy, but there is something gross about not brushing your teeth or wearing deodorant for a whole week. Oh well, we were happy to see him anyway and don't worry I made sure he showered, brushed his teeth, washed his glasses and that he picked up his dirty clothes as soon as he got home. Well... after the big hug!


Blueberries N Cucumbers said...

Darling blog! I am glad you let me know you had one!

Adrienne said...

Hi Cheree and family. How are you guys? You're family is so cute and I can't believe how big everyone is getting! It's good to see you guys again, even just in pictures :)